The child

Your body is preparing for the birth again and your thoughts are focused on becoming parents to several children. You could also be so busy that you hardly have time to reflect on the fact that you will soon be welcoming another child.
You could be sleeping poorly, waking up frequently and having trouble concentrating. The closer you come to the birth, the more your attention will turn to your unborn baby. It’s common to become slightly introvert when you are expecting due to the mental preparation ahead of giving birth and parenthood. This is all part of the natural process of becoming a mother that you are going through.
Many of your thoughts will focus on what becoming a mother again will be like, and how you will have enough time, energy and love to go around. Thoughts about how your relationship as a couple (if you are in one) will change as you enter parenthood are also common. If things feel more confusing than normal, share your thoughts with someone you trust. If you are feeling anxious or ambivalent about becoming a mother again, and how you will have enough time, energy and love to go around, you need to let your midwife or physician know. You have access to excellent counselling if you need it.
Vivid dreams are another common phenomenon during pregnancy. You might remember this from one of your previous pregnancies? Dreams of abandonment or giving birth to something other than a baby are common. Dreams are your brain’s way of processing everything you’re going through right now. A fun project could be to keep a dream diary.