What people frequently ask

How do I reset my password?

The mail to reset your password can sometimes end up in your spam folder. Try to reset your password one more time and check your spam folder.

I can’t share my account - why?

There could be three different reasons why you are unable to share your account. The first is that both must have an account in the app in order to share. If the person you want to share with does not have an account, this may be why it doesn’t work. If so, create an account and try again. The second is that you are already sharing your account with someone. You can only share your account with one person, so if you’re already sharing with someone, then this is why it doesn’t work. The third reason, and one that has been an issue for many Android users (if you or the other person has an Android device), is that there is a setting on your phone that has to be activated for “permission to share”. This means that for some users, the error message comes from their phone and not from us. You can change the permission to setting in your phone. If none of these explanations pertain to you, or if it still doesn’t work, please contact support and we’ll help you!

Lost data - what do I do?

Have you switched phones? This is the most common scenario—you think you had an account on your old phone and when you switch to a new phone, the app is completely empty. If you still have your old phone, you need to create an account on your phone under Settings/Register. All data will then be transferred to the account and saved there instead of just locally on your phone. If none of the above applies to you, then hopefully you have a backup copy on your old phone linked to a computer (iTunes for an iPhone or in Google Play for Android). If so, you can download the backup copy and hopefully, the app will follow. This is why we recommend that you create an account under Settings/Create account.

Change the language in the app

Unfortunately, we do not offer the change language function within different countries. If you want the app in English, use our International version. However, if you are a French-speaker living in Sweden, the only way to access a different language is to change the country of your app. Please note that offers and information about maternity care and clinic appointments are specific for that country. As long as you keep this in mind, the design of the app is the same, and what is happening to your body and your baby is the same.

How do I add a multiple pregnancy?

Because the percentage of all pregnancies that are twin births is so low, we have not been able to dedicate resources to fully adapting the app to multiple pregnancies. Now this doesn’t mean we don’t feel this is important, and we know there is a huge interest among those of you expecting twins (or more) to be able to read about it in the app. It is something we will be taking into account in future development of the app!

Which week am I in?

In the world of medicine, your baby's development is described according to number of full weeks and days. According to the medical approach, i.e. your pregnancy is at week 9+3 if 9 full weeks and 3 days have passed since the first day of your last period.

How is my pregnancy calculated?

The length of pregnancy is calculated in slightly different ways depending on where in the world you live. For instance, some countries start counting pregnancy from week 0+1 and indicate 40+0 as the EDD (Estimated Due Date), while others specify the first day of pregnancy as 0+0 and the EDD as 39+6. We always try to adapt the settings so that they are correct for you, but there are sometimes local deviations when it comes to counting. This is why we allow you to update the length of pregnancy yourself so that the results are right for you. This is done under Settings > My pregnancy > Length of pregnancy.

New EDD date - how do I change?

If you have a new estimated due date, you can change this in Settings > My pregnancy > Estimated due date.

Delete terminated pregnancy

It can be a bit tricky to do manually, but below is a guide that will hopefully take you through the steps as clearly as possible. Can you see that the terminated pregnancy is still there as an earlier pregnancy if you go to Settings > My pregnancy? If so, by terminating your current pregnancy you can reactivate the terminated pregnancy and then delete it. When you choose “Miscarriage/Terminated pregnancy”, you have two alternatives: to terminate it (which means that the data will still be saved) or to delete it (which means that all data together with the pregnancy will be deleted). Do as follows: 1. Go to Settings > My pregnancy 2. Terminate your current pregnancy (remember that it is important that you click “Terminate pregnancy”). 3. After clicking “Terminate pregnancy” for your current pregnancy, you will be able to activate your earlier pregnancy. 4. Choose to activate the earlier pregnancy. 5. When the earlier pregnancy is activated, you can choose Miscarriage/Terminated pregnancy again, but click “Delete pregnancy” this time. 6. Your earlier pregnancy will now be deleted. 7. You can now activate your current pregnancy again and the earlier one will be deleted.

First day, last period - change the date

If you want to change the date for First day of my last period, go to Settings > My pregnancy > Estimated due date.

How to export diary to PDF

For iOS: To get the Diary PDF, go to Tools in the bottom menu, scroll to find Diary and Images, and click on PDF. You will find the PDF button next to “New entry”. For Android: To get the Diary PDF, go to Tools in the bottom menu, scroll to find Diary and Images, click Filter, choose Diary entry and then click Filter again to “show less”. The PDF button will be shown there.

Pregnancy month vs. calendar month

It's commonly popular to describe pregnancy in terms of months. If someone asks you how far along you are, they're normally referring to calendar months. Calendar months provide an approximation, giving a good indication of the point you're at in your pregnancy. A calendar month can consist of 28, 30 or 31 days (not including leap years), so different organisations may count the dates in slightly different ways. We've generalised things a bit in this app and assumed that a calendar month is 30 days long. The first calendar month begins when you fall pregnant, which only happens in week 2+0. A pregnancy lasts approximately 9 calendar months. A pregnancy month is a more precise concept often used by medical professionals. A pregnancy month always consists of 28 days and begins in week 0+0. Therefore, a pregnancy consists of around nine calendar months but always 10 pregnancy months.

How are the trimesters divided?

Pregnancies are divided into three trimesters: - The first trimester begins in week 1 (0+0) and continues until the end of week 12 (12+6). - The second trimester begins in week 13 (13+0) and continues until the end of week 27 (27+6). - The third trimester extends from the beginning of week 28 (28+0) until the baby is born. How the trimester weeks are calculated may vary depending on where in the world you live.

How do I switch from pregnancy to baby?

If you both have a pregnancy and a child registered in the app, you can switch between baby and pregnancy by clicking PREGNANCY/BABY at the top of the app's homepage.

How do I add a child in the app?

If you have an ongoing pregnancy registered in the app and have given birth (Congratulations!), you can enter your baby's birthday. When you do so, your pregnancy will be summarized, and a baby profile will be created. You can also register children in the app. Go to Settings (the little wheel on the homepage) and select +ADD CHILD. If you have an ongoing pregnancy, the app will ask if you have given birth and want to summarize your pregnancy or if you want to add a sibling.

How do I change the child's name?

To change the name of your baby in the app, go to Settings > My family. Then click Baby > Name.

How to delete a child in the app?

To delete a child in the app, go to Settings > My family. Click then on the child you want to delete. If you have iOS, you will see a trash icon in the upper right corner. If you have an Android, the delete button is at the bottom.

How do I add my child's height?

Scroll the left number until you reach the correct height in cm. The right column is for mm.

Length and weight specifications

At the start of pregnancy, we measure the length of the baby from head to bottom. This is known as CRL, which stands for “Crown Rump Length”. After that, we switch to measuring the circumference of the baby’s head, BPD (biparietal diameter), and FL (femur length) so that we can monitor the baby’s growth and estimate his or her total length. Only in week 24+0 do ultrasound clinics and health care providers start to take an interest in the baby’s weight and measure it. The weights and lengths that we specify are estimates based on normal growth. Until week 20+0, it’s said that all babies develop to approximately the same extent in terms of weight and length. Our genetic predispositions start to kick in after week 20+0 – some babies are long, others are short, some are thin, others are chubby.

Change height and weight units in the weight curve

To change the units in the weight and length chart, go to Settings > Country > Length/weight units.

Reactivate a completed pregnancy

You can reactivate the pregnancy in Settings > My pregnancy > Active pregnancy and also delete the child created in Settings > My family > Selecting the child and deleting it.

How do I change the date of my weight entry?

The app will always ask for the first entry to be the weight before the pregnancy starts to be able to create the weight graph. That's why you can't change this specific date. Feel free to add the same weight twice, if you don't remember the weight for that date.

How do I see specific dates in the pregnancy weeks?

Our Calendar Tool can help with planning and keeping up with the pregnancy progression by showing the week of pregnancy you will be in on a specific date. You just need to click on the date you want to see the information for.

How do I delete my account?

To delete an account that you have created in the app, go to Settings > My profile > Delete account. A link will be sent to your email address in order to delete the account (this mail could end up in your spam folder). If you do not have an account created in the app, just delete the app since all content is only saved locally on your phone. When you delete the app, you also delete all content. Note that all information will be lost if you delete your account, and it cannot be recreated.

Stop sharing your account

To stop sharing your account, go to Settings > Share account > Disconnect and Confirm.

Remove recorded contractions from the timer

To delete registered contractions in the contraction timer, just swipe left on the contraction you want to delete. The alternative “Delete” will appear.

I accidentally restored purchase - what now?

“Restore purchase” means that if you have in-app purchases, you will regain access to them after changing phones, for example. No new purchase is made.

I’ve subscribed but Mumfulness videos are locked

If after signing up to the Mumfulness program you are still seeing the paywall, click on the “Restore Purchase” button under the plan options. This will update the purchases made in your app and unlock the videos.

The days are miscalculated - what do I do?

If the app is off by one day it is probably due to the pregnancy length setting in the app. In some parts, the EDD is calculated as 40+0, while other parts use 39+6 (the most common alternative). The app's default setting is 39+6, but if you live in an area that uses 40+0 to calculate your EDD, you can adjust this under Settings > My pregnancy > Pregnancy length.

Who has written Preglife's articles/texts?

All medical texts were written by midwives, physicians and other experts.

About the app

__What is Preglife?__ Preglife is a complete pregnancy app for pregnant women and new parents. The app is specifically designed to provide reliable information for those who want to feel increased security throughout the entire pregnancy and the initial stages of parenting. Preglife was developed on the initiative of Tobias Meschke, in consultation with prominent experts in Sweden and abroad. __What does Preglife do?__ The app provides you, whether you are pregnant or becoming a co-parent, the opportunity to easily and engagingly track the pregnancy and the baby's development week by week, establish early attachment, and be equipped for any potential challenges along the way. This is achieved through informative articles, illustrated videos, podcast episodes, preparatory exercises, and more. At Preglife, we are passionate about sharing our broad experience and knowledge based on the latest research. Our primary focus is to create an inclusive platform that caters to all types of family constellations. Guided by our core principles of inclusivity, reliability, accessibility, and scientific accuracy, we strive to provide the bes conditions for individuals on their parenting journey. __Who does Preglife work with?__ We maintain strong collaborations with a global network of midwives operating in various markets, led by Åsa Holstein (licensed midwife). Additionally, we work closely with medical professionals and experts in relevant fields. This ensures that all the content featured in the app undergoes fact-checking to guarantee accuracy and reliability. In line with our commitment to being research-based and medically grounded, we introduced our own Medical Board in 2023, consisting of: Åsa Holstein, Licensed Midwife Anja Lundström, Licensed Midwife Maja Åström, Physiotherapist and Medical Yoga Therapist Elisabeth Hjärtmyr, Licensed Midwife and Lactation Specialist Charlotta Ersmark, Obstetrician and Gynecologist Erik Borgström, Licensed Pediatrician and Senior Consultant in Neonatology

Reference literature

PREGNANCY: Standardkurva för intrauterin tillväxt. Marsal et al, 1993 Mammapraktikan. Söderberg, L. B. Wahlströms 1999. Lärobok för barnmorskor. Faxelid, E., m.fl. Studentlitteratur 2001. Myles Textbook for Midwives. Fraser, D. och Cooper, M. Churchill Livingstone 2003. Obstetrik. Hagberg, H., m.fl. Studentlitteratur 2008. Neonatalogi. Lagercrantz, H., m.fl. Studentlitteratur 2008. Langman´s Medical Embryology. Lippinicott, Williams and Wilkins 2012. BABY: Stora boken om barn, Att vänta & föda - barnets första sex år, Lena Lidbeck, Kristina Hofsten & Mia Coull, Nordstedts 2016, 8:e reviderade upplagan, 1:a upplagan (1995). Små barn kan! Om barns utveckling & lärande 0-5 år, Jorunn Hanssson, Ica bokförlag 2009.