The child
Your baby now measures about 13.4 inches (34 cm) from head to foot and weighs about 2.4 pounds (1.1 kilo) at the start of the week—and about 2.7 pounds (1.23 kilo) at the end of the week. The baby has a good chance of surviving if she is born now.
Research has shown indications that your baby can already start dreaming now.

Your baby is in a period of tremendous growth between weeks 28 and 32. Your uterus is growing, taking up more space from your other organs that are gradually pushed aside to make room for your growing baby. This may feel unpleasant. It’s difficult to eat large meals the more your baby grows—there just isn’t room for everything. If so, try to eat small meals and more frequently.
Make yourself extra comfortable when you sleep. Put plenty of pillows between your knees and under your belly to create as relaxing a sleeping position as possible. One way to help your mind and body to wind down is to listen to the relaxation exercises that you can find under Play.
Does it still feel strange that another child will soon become a part of your life? Or maybe you’re relishing going through the baby clothes you’ve saved. Another good way to prepare for you and your older children is to read books about having siblings. Let your older children join in the discussion about names, help get the clothes ready and help with other preparations. It’s also nice if the older children can choose a toy to give to their new little sister or brother when they meet for the first time. What works best for you depends largely on the age of your older children.
For a young child, the concept of a sibling is abstract. An older child, who understands what it means, might feel jealous even before the baby is born. It usually helps to talk and give the older one space to express his or her feelings. All relationships need to be renegotiated when a new family member arrives, and it can take a few weeks before everyone has settled into a new family structure. And don’t forget that a young child is still very little, even if an even littler one is on the way. It’s easy to see a two-year old as big compared with a newborn, but a two-year old still has the needs of a little child.