The child

The child

Your baby now measures about 7 inches (18 cm) from head to foot and weighs about 4.4 ounces (125 gm) at the start of the week—and about 5.6 ounces (160 gm) at the end of the week. This is a period of enormous activity for your baby who is now kicking, making faces, somersaulting and twisting. Your baby’s unique fingerprints start to appear.
Inside the uterus week 18


Nasal congestion is a common condition since your mucous membranes are swollen, which is believed to be due to high pregnancy hormone levels. Using an OTC saline nasal spray that can be bought in a drugstore may help.

Your body is clever and signals when it is thirsty and needs fluids. Therefore, the risk of drinking too little during your pregnancy is slim. If you engage in physical activity or expose yourself to extreme heat, make sure you drink a bit more and keep an eye on the color of your urine, which should be a pale yellow. Your urine will be more concentrated and a darker yellow color if you have had too little to drink.

However, if you feel extremely thirsty and are urinating more than usual, speak with your midwife or physician. Extreme thirst can be a sign of gestational diabetes.

Your blood sugar level will be checked when you register and then again during several prenatal visits. Gestational diabetes is when your blood sugar level rises during pregnancy. If you had gestational diabetes during your previous pregnancies, there is a greater risk you will develop the condition this time too. You will most likely not notice yourself that your levels have increased. Instead, this will be detected during a routine antenatal checkup.

If you suspect gestational diabetes, or if you have a higher blood sugar level (glucose level) in your blood, your health clinic will give you a glucose challenge, or glucose screening test, to make a definite diagnosis.

In most cases, gestational diabetes can be prevented and treated with the right diet and exercise. If you have thoughts and questions about the topic, or if you are worried you may be at risk, we highly recommend that you speak with your midwife or physician.

You’re probably feeling more energetic and an increase in libido since the high estrogen levels increase the amount of blood in your pelvic area. Or you may just feel like cuddling and kissing. Whatever you like is fine. Don’t be afraid to speak with your partner, if you have one, about how you feel. An open dialogue usually clears the air.

Pregnancy week 18 Mother beige


Is it OK to have sex while you’re pregnant? Absolutely! But be aware that a fluctuating sex drive during pregnancy is perfectly normal (for both partners). Some women feel sexier while others lose their libido completely—both feelings are normal. Be understanding and listen to your partner’s feelings; don’t add pressure if their desire is low.

If you don’t feel like sex, you can still cuddle, kiss and hug. All types of caresses and closeness are good for you and stimulate the “feel-good” hormone oxytocin that can increase well-being.

Find out more about other trimesters: