The child
Your baby measures about 2.2 inches (5.5 cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 0.5 to 0.7 ounces (14 to 20 gm). The neck is already strong enough to allow the baby to move her head.
Research indicates that your baby will start to hear sounds now. Of course, the ears aren’t fully developed until week 24, but it's believed that babies ““hear” sounds through sensory receptors in the skin that pick-up vibrations. Your baby will recognize your voices when she is born.

Your uterus has grown so large that it’s no longer hiding behind your pubic bone. Soon you’ll be able to feel the upper part of your uterus (the fundus) just above your pubic bone when you are lying down.
Since you’ve already given birth, you most likely can no longer conceal that you are expecting again. You may have already given up your favorite jeans for other clothes that allow more room for your belly. But every pregnancy is unique, so sometimes it takes longer before the belly appears, and sometimes it goes faster.
Some women experience nausea throughout their entire pregnancy, but for the majority it has subsided completely now.
How does your tummy feel? When you’re pregnant, your intestines move more slowly so you may feel constipated more often. The culprit here is the high level of the pregnancy hormone prostaglandin. Eating a kiwi every morning, or some psyllium seeds sprinkled over your morning yoghurt could help to get things moving. Physical activity and drinking plenty of fluids also helps alleviate constipation.
Problems with your rectum, such as hemorrhoids, itching or fissures are common too. Speak with your midwife, physician or pharmacist to find out how you can relieve the symptoms.
The risk of miscarriage is considerably less now that you have reached week 12.

It is nothing unusual to have an ultrasound examination during pregnancy. The technician will look at all the major organs and structures to see how your baby is developing and to locate the placenta. You can also see your baby for the first time—this can be an exciting experience! Your estimated due date (+/- 2 weeks) is determined at this point.
If you need to update your estimated due date in the app, do so under Settings > My pregnancy> Estimated Due Date.