When breastfeeding doesn't workI think I have clogged milk ductsIt is important to distinguish between engorgement and clogged milk ducts, two completely different ...Apr 7, 2021
When breastfeeding doesn't workBreastfeeding hurtsThe most likely cause of breastfeeding pain is that your baby is not latching correctly or that your...Apr 7, 2021
When breastfeeding doesn't workBaby refuses the breastDuring the nursing period, it’s common that baby suddenly refuses the breast for some reason.Apr 7, 2021
When breastfeeding doesn't workTongue tieBabies are occasionally born with tongue tie, an overly tight lingual frenulum, that can affect brea...Apr 7, 2021
When breastfeeding doesn't workHelp, I’m nursing nonstop!When you feel that you are nursing frequently and large amounts, the first question is how old your ...Apr 7, 2021
When breastfeeding doesn't workNewborn jaundiceYou will receive information about newborn jaundice before you leave the maternity ward. It is impor...Apr 7, 2021
When breastfeeding doesn't workI don’t have enough breast milkParents typically worry whether the amount of breast milk will be enough for the baby. Baby may want...Apr 7, 2021