Dalila Coato

Dalila Coato

Registered Nurse Midwife


My name is Dalila and I graduated in University of Verona 2015 while also attending two years of experiential master in maternage. During my internship I realised that I wasn't made for hospital work. Immediately after graduating, I started working as a freelance midwife, assisting physiological pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding and home birth with a team of colleagues of mine.

I started an Instagram page in 2017 to speak about midwifery and I gained a lot of support from my community in these years. My goal is to help people rebuild trust in their bodies, and give them the information they need to be truly free to choose.


My passion is to be by the side of women to accompany them towards their birth, according to their desires, so that the experience is empowering and leaves them with a wonderful memory!

I am also passionate about technologies and social media. I love creating useful content for future and new parents through blog posts, Instagram stories or educational videos.