Charlotta Ersmark

Charlotta Ersmark



Since starting the study of medicine at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm in 1995, I have always been fascinated by pregnancies and births and have wanted to work with this area. My first placement was at the Women's Clinic at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm. I immediately felt that gynaecology and obstetrics were the right specialty for me. One gets to follow the woman throughout her life and can often with simple means provide great relief and cure. The specialty means quick, sometimes life-saving operations, quiet, almost therapeutic consultations and everything in between.

Nowadays I work a lot with surgery to remove fibroids, which in many cases is done as a fertility-promoting measure. In addition to this, I participate in Gravidpodden, a podcast by Preglife about everything related to pregnancy.


To me, working with Preglife means that I get to participate in a context where parents can get easy-to-understand and scientifically up-to-date information and thus help more people to have a safe pregnancy, childbirth and period after childbirth. As a doctor and mother, I think that is important.