
Pudendal block



Vi har valt att samarbeta med experter som har en omfattande erfarenhet för att du ska få så relevant och faktabaserad information som möjligt under din graviditet, efter födseln och de första 2 åren med ditt barn.

A Pudendal block (PDB) provides pain relief in the pelvic floor, the perineum, the vulva and the opening to the vagina. It is used during the expulsion stage but can also be used during the placenta stage if vaginal tears need to be treated.

Technique and effect

The technique and effect of a pudendal block

  • The anesthesia is administered during the expulsion stage
  • The woman sits or lies with slightly bent legs
  • The anesthesia is injected into each side of the vaginal wall using a thin needle
  • The effect of the anesthetic can last up to a couple of hours


The advantages of a PDB are that it reduces pain sensitivity in the lower half of the vagina, the vulva and the perineum. Pain relief is administered in conjunction with expulsion when the baby is born with the help of a traction cup or a forceps. It can also be administered when a tear needs to be treated.


The disadvantages of a PDB are that the fetal ejection reflex is diminished, and the expulsion stage could be prolonged. Some women feel that the anesthetic is painful at a sensitive stage of the birth process.


  • Abascal, G., & Huss, M. S. (2018). Att föda. Bonnier Fakta.