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Preglife Award: Advancing Research in pregnancy, birth and early parenthood



Our experts were chosen for their extensive experience in order to give you the best knowledge during your pregnancy, postpartum and first 2 years of your baby

Preglife proudly announces the Preglife Award, an initiative to support groundbreaking research and projects within our foundation pillars: pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood. This annual award will debut in April 2024, celebrating innovations that make a significant impact on maternal and infant health globally.

Objective of the Preglife Award

The Preglife Award aims to advance research in maternal health by funding projects that promise real-world benefits. Selected by our Medical Board, these projects focus on improving health outcomes for mothers and children worldwide.

Global Impact

The Preglife Award will promote studies aiming to lead to safer births, better postpartum care and a smoother transition into parenthood. With Preglife’s global reach, the results of this research will have widespread implications, aiming to influence healthcare practices internationally.

Vision for the Future

The award will be presented yearly, starting in April 2024. Each ceremony will not only recognise the winner of the year but also highlight emerging trends and research opportunities.

Join us

The Preglife Award shows our commitment to improving maternal and infant health through research. We welcome everyone to join this initiative, which aims to bring about important health advancements. Stay tuned for the announcement of our first award recipient!